Promosso da
European CommissionPeriodo di svolgimento
2020 - 2022Classificazione
The final aim of EDUREFORM is to promote consciousness and to empower Indian future and in-service secondary school teachers to mitigate the expected societal impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The EDUREFORM project counts 11 partners from both the European Union and India. Chitkara University, Shivaji University, Maharaja Sayajirao Universityof Baroda, Chitkara International School CXS Solutions Indian Private limited University of Latvia JAMK University of Applied Sciences University of Hamburg, Italian University Line, Liceo Artistico Musicale e Coreutico, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Short term Objectives
- Empower future and in-service teachers. Create the precondition to mitigate the negative impact of the 4IR on the Indian labour force;
- Piloting activities in Indian secondary schools designed to increase analytical, critical, creative skills among students;
- Gradual and sustainable enlargement of the EDUREFORM network as an open platform;
- Invest in the development of parallel capacity building activities.
Mid to long term Objectives
- Mitigate the impact of 4IR on Indian labour market by favouring critical and analytical skills among secondary school Indian students.
- Inclusion – and mainstream – of teaching practices aimed to favour critical, creative and analytical thinking among Indian secondary school students
- EDUREFORM as recognised national best practice. Recognised role of educators in mitigating societal challenges related to 4IR. Increased awareness in academia and society at large.
- Building new Indian-European joint initiatives and follow-up of EDUREFORM parallel capacity building actions. Establishment of the Indian-European Alliance for Teacher Education