/ 06 96668278

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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At IUL online university, it is possible to continue training with specialisation courses to further one’s career.

Therefore, IUL offers  1st and 2nd level Professional Master Courses, Advanced Training Courses, the National Training Plan, and PhD programmes.


  • Teacher bonus card: with law 107/2016 (“the good school”), the tenured teachers of educational institutions of every order and degree have at their disposal a bonus of 500 euros to spend on training and professional updating.
  • Professional Master Courses are advanced training courses and can be of 1st of 2nd level based on the admission qualification: the first are accessed with a bachelor’s degree while the latter are accessed with a master’s degree. They usually last for one year and award at least 60 ECTS credits and a diploma at course completion.
  • Specialisation courses, are advanced training courses aimed at developing specific professional skills and can be accessed with a university degree. They generally have a duration of less than a year and involve the assignment of a variable number of ECTS credits, but always less than 60. At the end of the course a certificate of specialization is issued.
  • Research doctorates, represent the highest level of education in the Italian academic system. The title of PhD is achieved after a three-year course of study and research, which is accessed after a public competition. To take part in the competitions an old system degree or a master’s degree is required. citizens of any states are admitted without age limits, provided that the qualification obtained has been previously recognized as equivalent to an Italian academic qualification. Every year the Ministry provides the accreditation of the courses that can be activated. On the initiative of the Departments, each University, establishes courses, number of places for students, and number of scholarships.
  • Giacomo Matteotti Award 2019 – XV Edition. The Presidency of the Council of Ministers has issued the call for the fifteenth edition of the National Award named after Giacomo Matteotti. The Award is given to works that represent the ideals of brotherhood among peoples, and of freedom and social justice that inspired Giacomo Matteotti’s life. To participate, access the Gomp portal, under CAREER -> Competition notices – for students and/or graduates.