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Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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IUL Research: Call for abstracts “Innovative learning environments. Rethinking school spaces”

Translation by Giulia Lombardo

The international scientific journal IUL Research – for its six issue –  has published a new call for abstracts entitled “Innovative learning environments. Rethinking school spaces between pedagogy, architecture and design” edited by Raffaella Carro and Blyth Alastair.

Learning environments have been for long a core theme of academic debate. In the last ten years, also the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) focused its attention on the relationship between school architecture and learning processes, highlighting the importance of placing the pedagogical-didactic paradigm at the centre of the analysis and the planning of the school environment.

At national level, the “New guidelines for school buildings” published by the Ministry of Education in 2013 promoted a new idea of school, where the typical space organised in rooms and corridors was replaced by a system of complementary and synergic spaces, in order to form an integrated environment supporting learning and socialisation in all the school spaces.

The aim of the call is to collect contributions coming from different scientific environments, enabling to address this challenge by tracing theoretical and practical paths so that investment on the renovation of school architectures would be the driving force for a real transformation of the school system.

Contributions will be welcomed in Italian and English specifically aimed at studying one of the following topics:

  1. Rethink existing school buildings
  2. Educational spaces and well-being
  3. Educational spaces and inclusion
  4. Educational spaces and digital technologies
  5. Educational spaces and learning processes
  6. Physical space and virtual space: hybridization of environments
  7. The role of furnishings in the preparation of educational settings
  8. Schools and interior design (interior designers…)
  9. Common spaces, informal environments and school libraries
  10. External spaces belonging to the school: the courtyard, the garden, the terraces
  11. Participatory planning
  12. School architecture, urban planning and territory
  13. Post-covid school spaces

The deadline for submitting abstracts for evaluation is March 14, 2022.

To send the abstract, please follow the directions starting from this link.

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