/ 06 96668278

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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Innovazione educativa e apprendimento permanente nella formazione degli adulti in contesti nazionali e internazionali, classe LM-57

Pedagogy of adult education


Anno accademico: 2021/2022



Crediti: 12 CFU

Scarica il programma

Alessandro Mariani has a degree in Pedagogy and a PhD in “Theory and History of Educational Processes” from the University of Florence under the guidance of Franco Cambi. He has also conducted some of his research work abroad: in Beirut, Cambridge, Lausanne, Loughborough, Madrid, Olympia, Paris, Sao Paulo and Washington.

He is full professor of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Florence, where he teaches “Philosophy of Education”, “Philosophy of Education and Communication” and “Intercultural Pedagogy”. Starting from his experiences in scientific research and university teaching, Alessandro Mariani has constantly placed himself in the field of general pedagogy, cultivating both the philosophical-educational and the historical-pedagogical fields. A path within which he has always kept in mind the contemporary pedagogical discourse, its theoretical models of reference, its internal logic, its ethical-political rulings and its epistemological connotations. The main themes of his investigations concern the philosophy of education, pedagogical epistemology, theories of communication, the theoretical foundations and models of adult education and continuing education, intercultural pedagogy, critical pedagogy, the culture of quality in early childhood education services, the link between corporeality, sport and education, and the ecology of education.

He is Rector of the Telematic University of Studies (I.U.L.), Scientific Coordinator of the Research Unit “M.E.T.R.I. – Educational Models: Interdisciplinary Theories and Research” and of the “University Master for the Management of School Institutes” (M.UN.D.I.S.). He is Scientific Director of the Master Course “Philosophy of Children/Philosophy for Community“, of the Professional postgraduate Course “Crescere in continuità nei contesti educativi 0/6” and the ‘International Training Forum’. He was awarded the “Raffaele Laporta” National Prize for Pedagogy. He is the director of the journal “Studi sulla formazione” and of some editorial series and a member of the scientific management committee of several journals and of the editorial board of some pedagogical series. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the “Istituto degli Innocenti di Florence”, Coordinator of the inter-institutional round table set up by the Tuscany Region ‘Guidelines on in-service training of educational and teaching staff in the 0-6 years perspective’, Chairman of the Technical-Scientific Committee of Scuola-Città Pestalozzi. He has participated in various Research Projects of National Interest (P.R.I.N.) and has been scientific coordinator of many action-research projects, including the European project Q4ECEC (Quality for Early Childhood Education and Care); the three-year project, in agreement with the Municipality of Florence, “Media Education nel nido e nella scuola dell’infanzia“. Ongoing projects include: the three-year national project “Bambini. Dalla periferia al centro” (Children. From the periphery to the centre); the international project COSPIROM (Common Spaces for Integration of Rome); the project in agreement with the Municipality of Livorno “La qualità dei servizi educativo-scolastici” (The quality of educational-school services); the project in agreement with the Municipality of Scandicci “La continuità educativa nella prospettiva di una formazione integrata” (Educational continuity in the perspective of integrated training); the project in agreement with the Municipality of Poggibonsi “Spazi e materiali nei servizi per l’infanzia: idee per progettare conscivolmente” (Spaces and materials in childcare: ideas for consciously designing); the project in agreement with the cultural association Giallo Mare Minimal Teatro “Fra quattro mura” (Within four walls).

He is the author/editor of over one hundred and fifty publications on pedagogy. For the full list, please see the following link:


Flavia Bacchetti is Full Professor of History of Pedagogy and teaches Children’s Literature and History of Education at the Department of Education Sciences and Psychology, University of Florence. She directs the Master in “Autori ed editori per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza. Problematiche formative e competenze professionali tra libro e digitale” and the Postgraduate Course in “Formare alla lettura tra libro e digitale. Letteratura per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza, musica, cinema e illustrazione”.


The contents will be divided into 4 modules:

  • Module 1 – Pedagogy and educational sciences
  • Module 2 – Training as self-care

Modules I and II cover the following topics: Pedagogy, educational sciences, training and ‘self-care’.

  • Module 3 – Travel and training

Travel and education; the concept of travel through the experience of the Grand Tour, elitist travel of the first exclusively noble class and then of the emerging upper middle class. Formative aspects and connotations between the end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth.

  • Module 4 – At the dawn of tourist travel in Italy. Travel as research and self-care in Italian literary Decadentism

At the dawn of tourist travel in Italy; Edmondo De Amicis and the popularisation of tourism through his texts/guides, tourist information tools for the middle class. Change in the concept of travel and educational purposes.

Guido Gozzano’s introspective experience of self-care in his journey to India between reality and literary transfiguration.

A focus on a ‘journey’ through the streets of Florence between descriptions and autobiographical hints.

Pedagogy is a ‘knowledge of knowledge’ that is in constant dialogue with the various educational sciences. The focus on professional and personal education emerges strongly from this dialogue. In the latter area, education can play an even more significant role if it is placed in relation to the paradigm of “self-care”, which is nowadays very central.

Travel and training; the concept of travel through the experience of the Grand Tour, elitist journey of the first class exclusively noble and then of the emerging upper middle class. Formative aspects and connotations between the end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the nineteenth century.

At the dawn of tourist travel in Italy; Edmondo De Amicis and the dissemination of tourism through his texts / guides, tourist information tools for the middle class. Change in the concept of travel and educational purposes.

Guido Gozzano’s introspective experience and self-care during his journey through India, between reality and literary transfiguration.

A focus on a “journey” through the streets of Florence between descriptions and autobiographical references.

Pedagogy is a ‘knowledge of knowledge’ that is in constant dialogue with the various educational sciences. The focus on professional and personal education emerges strongly from this dialogue. In the latter area, education can play an even more significant role if it is placed in relation to the paradigm of “self-care”, which is nowadays very central. Knowledge and in-depth study of the concept of travel through temporal diachrony and, sociologically, the classes that undertake it.

Video lectures and synchronous meetings are included in the course material and bibliographical indications are sent for further study.

A. Knowledge and understanding

To acquire skills and knowledge appropriate to the main topics addressed from a pedagogical perspective.

B. Applied knowledge and understanding

To be able to apply the educational and didactic indications specified during the course in the professional context.

C. Autonomy of judgement

Learning a method of studying and understanding reality that is critical, reflective and consistent with the globality and complexity of today’s society.

D. Communication skills

Being able to relate to others in a dialogical, understanding and participatory way.

E. Learning ability

Learning a study method that can be extended to other scientific fields and professional environments, on a permanent and recurrent basis.


A. Use of advanced textbooks, knowledge of some cutting-edge topics within the subject studied.

Students will be trained to use not only traditional bibliographic resources (paper) but – through a critical analysis of online resources – also digital ones.

B. Professional approach to their work and possession of appropriate skills to devise arguments, support them and solve problems within the subject studied. Ability to collect and interpret data useful for making independent judgements.

Through the analysis of “case studies” and practical examples taken from everyday life, the socio-psycho-pedagogical mechanisms, at the basis of our critical thinking and which underlie the ways in which we can formulate judgements and opinions, will be highlighted. As well as tools for finding and evaluating data, some of the main “good practices” for the correct interpretation of the data acquired will be provided.

C. Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.

Students will be provided with useful indications and methodologies to prepare a multimedia presentation and to know how to present it using vocabulary and communication methods appropriate to the target audience.

D. Ability to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy. Students will be helped to organise their study in a fruitful way by means of tools and methods conducive to the ‘learning to learn’.



  • 6 hours of recorded video lessons available on the platform;
  • 4 synchronous video lessons for in-depth analysis and elaborated discussion – Podcasts of all the above-mentioned video lessons.



  • 6 recorded video lessons available from the platform;
  • 3 synchronous video lessons for elaborated insights and discussion – Podcasts of all video lessons mentioned above.



  • 1 course orientation forum;
  • 4 in-depth thematic forums (1 per module);
  • possibility to carry out work in groups;
  • 4 structured e-activities (as described in the section in itinere assessment methods”).



Teaching materials are provided for each module: in-depth thematic studies, articles and slides by the lecturer, open-access readings, online resources, reference bibliography, etc.


  • F. Cambi, M. Giosi, D. Sarsini, Pedagogia generale. Identità, percorsi, funzioni (New Edition), Rome, Carocci, 2017.
  • Slides proposed during the lessons.
  • Online study materials

The following materials complement the textbooks and will be explored in a shared way in the virtual classroom:

  • Edgar Morin and his perspective on society, complexity, uncertainty and knowledge
  • Luigina Mortari: Caring for oneself and others
  • Umberto Galimberti: Disquiet in the age of technology



  • Brilli, Quando viaggiare era un’arte: il romanzo del Grand Tour, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1995.
  • Cambi, Il viaggio come esperienza di formazione. Tra diacronia e sincronia, “Studi sulla formazione”, 2, 2011, pp. 149-171.
    (The file in .PDF format can be downloaded free of charge at:
  • Bacchetti, I viaggi “en touriste” di De Amicis. Raccontare ai borghesi, Pisa, Del Cerro, 2001.
  • Gozzano, Verso la cuna del mondo, Milan, Bompiani, 2008 (or other editions).


Further study materials will be provided as the course progresses, depending on the topics, themes and insights generated by interactions with students during lectures and via the forum.

Access to the final examination is subject to the completion of 4 etivities.

Module 1 and 2

  • E-activity n. 1: Short report (minimum 5,000 characters including spaces – maximum 10,000 characters including spaces) on a topic related to the contents dealt with in modules I and II.


  • E-tivity n. 2: 1 e-tivity to be chosen among:
    • Mind Map on the relationship between pedagogy, education and ‘self-care’.
    • Presentation with slides on a topic of interest.
    • Webquest on “lifelong learning”.

Modules 3 and 4

  • E-activity n. 3: Short report (minimum 5,000 keystrokes including spaces – maximum 10,000 keystrokes including spaces) on a topic related to the contents dealt with in modules 3 and 4.
  • E-tivity no. 4: 1 e-tivity to choose from:
    • Mind Map on the relationship between travel, knowledge and expectations.
    • Presentation with slides on a topic of interest.
    • Webquest on the ‘travel typology’ throughout history.


Access to the final examination is subject to the completion and presentation of four of the proposed e-activities.

The assessment of learning will take the form of an oral interview on the course contents and on the final report submitted, if any. The grade (min 18, max 30 with possible honours) is determined by the level of performance for each of the following dimensions of the oral interview: mastery of contents, appropriateness of definitions and theoretical references, clarity of argument, command of specialist language.