/ 06 96668278

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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Scienze Motorie, pratica e gestione delle attività sportive, classe L-22

Methods and didactics of motor activities II


Anno accademico: 2021/2022



Crediti: 6 CFU

Scarica il programma

Luca Russo is a fixed-term researcher of Methods and Didactics of Motor Activities at the IUL Telematic University. His main research interests are in the field of motor and sports
activities, biomechanics and human movement analysis, posture and kinesiology, and preventive, compensatory, adapted and performance training.

He has already published three scientific books on these subjects and a number of contributions in specialist journals or collective volumes; others are in the process of being published.


The course consists of 2 modules:

  1. Basics of human motricity and constituent elements of human movement;
  2. Stimulation of physical skills, motor learning and bodily responses to exercise.

The first module is aimed at knowing the basics of human movement, kinesiology and neuromechanics, the axes and parts of the human body and the movements related to them, the vocabulary of human movement and the terminology of gymnastics, the concept of body scheme, postural schemes, basic motor schemes, motor skills. The second module aims to learn about the principles of stimulating motor skills with particular reference to strength and endurance, motor learning aspects, the basics of structuring a motor activity lesson and to understand the metabolic effects stimulated by exercise.

The course in Methods and didactics of motor activities II aims to provide an adequate and methodologically sound knowledge of the basic and essential aspects of human movement in order to create a specific culture of sport and physical activity.

A. Knowledge and understanding of:

  • Basic concepts of human movement;
  • Physical aspects of human motor skills;
  • Construction of movement patterns;
  • Motor learning phases;
  • Construction of a motor activity lesson;
  • Stimulation of metabolic pathways as a result of exercise.

B. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

The course in Methods and didactics of motor activities II aims to provide an adequate and methodologically based knowledge of the basic and essential aspects of human movement in order to create a specific culture on sport and physical activity. Students
will be stimulated to apply the acquired knowledge in their university (relating the knowledge learned to other subjects of the curriculum) and professional contexts.

C. Autonomy of judgement

At the end of the course the student will be able to discriminate the fundamental aspects of human movement and will have all the information to study, understand and plan in a basic form physical exercises aimed at improving and maintaining general motor skills.

D. Communication skills

The student will be able to use the technical terms appropriate to the world of physical education and motor and sports activities. He/she will learn the correct vocabulary to express him/herself in a professional context in the field of sport sciences.

E. Learning ability

The student will be able to independently investigate the main scientific-methodological issues concerning motor activity and specifically motor sciences, autonomously discriminating false indications from valid ones present in the vast world of the web and of training in general.


A. Use of advanced textbooks and review of scientific literature to understand and interpret the language related to motor activity and sport.

B. Professional approach to work and possession of adequate skills to understand, select and distinguish information related to the basics of human motor skills in order to carry out motor activity proposals.

C. Ability to collect and interpret useful data in the process of evaluating and studying human movement.

D. Ability to transform information, ideas, and intuitions related to motor activity into clear, defined concepts appropriate to the vocabulary and reality of motor science.

E. Ability to understand subsequent studies with a solid and knowledgeable background.


⮚ 12 recorded video lessons available on the platform;
⮚ 2 synchronous orientation and student reception meetings;
⮚ No. 1 thematic synchronous meeting entitled “Focus on muscular flexibility and joint mobility”;
⮚ No. 1 thematic synchronous meeting entitled “Focus on motor control of human movement”;
⮚ Podcasts of all the above-mentioned video lessons.


⮚ 1 course orientation forum;
⮚ 2 thematic follow-up forums (1 per module);
⮚ Possibility to carry out work in groups.
⮚ 2 structured e-activities (as described in the section “in itinere assessment methods”).


Teaching materials are provided for each module: in-depth thematic studies, articles and slides/handouts by the lecturer, open access readings, online resources, reference bibliography, etc.

Compulsory readings

⮚ Teaching materials provided by the lecturer

Optional readings

⮚ L. Russo, «Biomeccanica. Principi di biomeccanica e applicazioni della video analisi al movimento umano», ATS – Giacomo Catalani Publisher: 2019.

⮚ P. Bartolucci, «Esercizio funzionale», ATS – Giacomo Catalani Editore: 2021.

In order to respond flexibly to the specific needs of each student, the lecturer reserves the right to recommend alternative or additional readings during the lessons and to students who ask for them.

Access to the final examination is subject to the following 2 e-activities:

E-activity 1: Individual drafting of a document, describing 5 physical movements/exercises through the terminology of gymnastics, the vocabulary of motor sciences, the axes and parts involved in the movement, the main muscular groups that work in the exercise, the main motor abilities that can be stimulated with the repetition of the chosen movement/exercise;

E-activity 2: Creation of 5 lesson programmes, indicating for each one the duration, the objective, the type of subjects to work with, subdividing the 5 lesson programmes into the macro sections indicated by the lecturer. The lesson programmes have a free theme, but it is suggested that the student addresses the following topics: coordination skills, basic motor schemes, strength work, endurance work, flexibility work.

The assessment of learning will take the form of an oral interview on the course contents and on the final report submitted, if any. The grade (min 18, max 30 with possible honours) is determined by the level of performance for each of the following dimensions of the oral interview: mastery of contents, appropriateness of definitions and theoretical references, clarity of argument, command of specialist language.