/ 06 96668278

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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Scienze e tecniche dell’educazione e dei servizi per l’infanzia, classe L-19

History of educational processes


Anno accademico: 2021/2022



Crediti: ECT: 6 CFU

Scarica il programma

First Indire researcher and journalist. Since 2001, she has been working on the reorganisation and enhancement of various archives of art personalities and 20th century culture.

Since 2008, she has been coordinating the Indire historical archive, paying particular attention both to the history of Indire itself, heir to the National Educational Exhibition of 1925 (see in this regard “Dal Museo Nazionale della scuola all’Indire” Giunti, 2009; and “Radici di futuro: l’innovazione a scuola attraverso i 90 anni di Indire”, Contini, 2015), and, more widely, to the history of the Italian school system (see for example “Matite razziste. Scuola e leggi razziali”, Bibliografia e informazione, 2013; “Nessuno escluso. La lunga strada dell’inclusione nella scuola italiana”, Apice libri, 2018; “Per gioco e sul serio. Libri di ricreazione e libri di lettura del Fondo Antiquario di letteratura giovanile Indire”, Indire, 2018; “Lo straniero di carta. Educare all’identità tra Otto e Novecento”, Tab Edizioni, 2020), which has now become one of the main focuses of her research activity. Since 2009, she has preferred photography among all the documentary typologies, mainly encouraged by the reorganization of the important photo library kept at Indire (now fully accessible online through the Indire database ‘Fotoedu. Fotoedu. Fondi fotografici per la storia della scuola e dell’educazione’) and enhanced with the catalogue and exhibition ‘L’Obiettivo sulla scuola: immagini dall’archivio fotografico Indire’ (Giunti, 2011). The other edited volume “Barbiana e la sua scuola: immagini dall’Archivio Don Lorenzo Milani”, Aska, 2014, is the result of the study of Don Lorenzo Milani’s school photographic archive. Since 2021, she has been chief editor of the magazine ‘Culture Digitali’ and lecturer at the Master’s course “Digital Territories. ICT, Social Innovation and Heritage Communities on the net”, University of Molise.

The course in HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES will deepen the following contents: on the one hand, the educational system in the twentieth century in Italy, with its main institutional and regulatory stages, also in the light of an analysis of historical and social contexts. On the other hand, the pedagogical and educational issues that most characterise the development of the Italian school system will be outlined: with a look both at pedagogical activism and at the long process that led to school inclusion.


Module I – Educational systems in the 19th and 20th centuries: criticism of the transmissive model

  • The twentieth century: the Italian case, between school and society.
  • Criticism of ‘traditional’ teaching methods, comparing pedagogical models: pedagogical activism.


Module 2 – The Pathway to Inclusion in the Italian School

  • From exclusion to inclusion
  • Themes: schools before Law 517 of 1977

Objects of the course: the education system in the XX century in Italy (and analysis of historical and social contexts); the pedagogical and educational issues that characterize the development of the Italian school system: with particular attention to the criticism of the transmissive teaching by pedagogical and scholastic activism, and with a specific focus on the school inclusion. The goal of the course is to promote the acquisition of theoretical, methodological and general knowledge, useful for understanding the history of education and school.

The course in history of cultural and educational processes aims to foster the acquisition of general theoretical, methodological and technical knowledge useful for understanding the history of education and school. It intends to increase the analysis and critical reflection ability acquired through the review of texts, forums, debates and short written reports.

A. Knowledge and understanding of the history of the school through the delivery and interactive activities.

B. Applied knowledge and understanding
Ability to analyse and design training curricula in educational institutions.

C. Autonomy of judgement
Critical thinking skills acquired through text reviews, forums, debates, short written reports.

D. Communication skills
Acquisition of relational and communication skills based on confrontation, dialogue and mutual listening.

E. Ability to learn the main theories and issues relating to the history of education and school.

A. Use of advanced textbooks, knowledge of some cutting-edge topics within the subject studied.

B. Knowledge and understanding of the most advanced educational models and paradigms of the 20th and 21st centuries.

C. Professional approach to work and possession of adequate skills to devise arguments, support them and solve problems within the subject studied.

D. Ability to problem-solve and to set up personalised training paths consistent with the educational aims of the professional field.

E. Ability to collect and interpret data useful for making autonomous judgements.

F. Ability for critical and dialectical reflection.

G. Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialists and non-specialists.

H. Acquisition of relational, communication and IT skills.

I. Ability to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

J. Ability to develop and propose autonomous paths of self-education and in-depth study.


  • 6 hours of recorded video lessons available on the platform.
  • 2 synchronous meetings on the platform for in-depth analysis and discussion on the school environment for Maria Montessori: criticism of educational and pedagogical ideology.
  • Podcasts of all the above-mentioned video lessons.



  • 1 course orientation forum.
  • 2 thematic follow-up forums (1 per module).
  • Possibility to carry out work in groups.
  • 2 structured e-activities (as described in the section in itinere assessment methods).



Teaching materials are provided for each module: in-depth thematic studies, articles and slides by the lecturer, open access readings, online resources, reference bibliography, etc.

Access to the final examination is subject to the following 2 e-activities:

N.2 e-activities (1 for each module): the student will have to produce a short paper in which he/she will report some personal reflections, starting from the topic of the course, referring as much as possible to current events and to his/her professional context (where relevant) the issues addressed. Further information will be provided during the course.

The assessment of learning will take place through an oral interview on the course contents and on the paper(s) presented. The grade (min 18, max 30 with possible honours) is determined by the level of performance for each of the following dimensions of the oral interview: mastery of contents, appropriateness of definitions and theoretical references, clarity of argument, command of specialist language.