/ 06 96668278

Accreditata MUR con D.M. 02/12/2005
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Scienze Motorie, pratica e gestione delle attività sportive, classe L-22

Experimental Pedagogy and New Technologies


Anno accademico: 2021/2022



Crediti: 9 CFU

Scarica il programma

Giuseppina Rita Jose Mangione is first Indire researcher and scientific coordinator of the Southern Territorial Branch.

After having obtained two Master’s degrees in e-learning and multimedia didactics at the Universities of Florence and Rome 3, she continued her specialisation on the themes of online didactics through a Doctorate in Telematics and Information Society with a thesis on the ethical dimensions of online universities. She has been an contact professor for the chair of “Multimedia Education” pertaining to the disciplinary sector M-PED/04 at the University of Salerno and has taken part in several European projects on the topic of technologies for adaptive education, obtaining the qualification as second level professor in 2018 in the scientific sector 11D2.

Today her research at Indire focuses mainly on innovative models in schools with attention to “non-standard” contexts both from an educational point of view and from the point of view of teachers’ professional development. She coordinates Indire’s research group dealing with small schools and she is the contact person for projects assigned to the agency.

Alongside observation and analysis of implemented practices, she focuses on the analysis of the processes and dimensions through which new modes of teaching and learning are shaped and developed, supporting their replicability and differentiation.

She is the author of more than 100 articles in accredited scientific journals and several monographs including “L’Università che cambia. Tecnologie emergenti e prospettive educative”. p. 1-236, Lecce: Pensa

Editore, ISBN: 978-88-6152-183-4, “Istruzione adattiva: approcci, tecniche e tecnologie”. p. 1-268, Lecce: Pensa Editore, ISBN: 978-88-6152-184-1, and recently published “Istruzione adattiva. Evidenze e strategie didattiche” p. 1-208 Lecce: Pensa Editore, ISBN: 9788861522510.

With attention to experimental research in various educational contexts with a focus on movement: Di Tore, P. A., Di Tore, S., Mangione, G. R., & Corona, F. (2014). Spazio, movimento, prospettiva ed empatia: un prototipo di videogame didattico. Form@ re-Open Journal for online Education, 14(3), 43-61; Mangione, G. R., Di Tore, P. A., Di Tore, S., & Corona, F. (2015). Educare seamlessly. Dalla visione integrata delle teorie alle esperienze della comunità pedagogica italiana. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (14), 35-48.

Di Tore, P. A., Mangione, G. R., Di Tore, S., & Aiello, P. (2013). Human Machine Interaction, embodied cognition and phenomenology: the body in digital storytelling. Learning & Teaching with Media & Technology, 1, 448-459.


The course in Experimental Pedagogy and New Technologies will explore the following macro contents:

  • types of Movement and Motor Learning Strategies;
  • analysis of motor skills and performance notation;
  • gesture interfaces for sports and motor education;
  • wearable technologies in motor sport context;
  • research in education and types of research;
  • data collection and analysis tools.


The course consists of 4 modules:

Module 1 Motor learning and performance analysis

1st Unit: Principles of human performance and motor learning

Study topics:

  • Movement production.
  • Principles of motor control.
  • Motor learning.
  • Strategies to support motor learning.

2nd Unit: Performance analysis and notational systems

Study topics:

Module 2 – Gesture interfaces and wearable technologies

Unit 1: Gesture interfaces in sport

Study topics:

  • Exergaming and effects on learning.
  • Exergames in motor education courses.
  • Application cases (e.g. Nike+Kinect training).
  • Health game: Therapeutic exergames and rehabilitation.

2nd Unit: Wearable technologies in sport

Study topics:

Module 3 – Educational research: types and tools

Unit 1: Types and phases of educational research

Study topics:

  • The logic of research in education.
  • Typologies of educational research.
  • The stages of educational research.
  • Quantitative research/focus on experiment.
  • Qualitative research/ focus on the case study.
  • Examples of research in the motor-sport

2nd Unit: Data collection and analysis tools

Study topics:

A) Data collection approaches and tools

  • Questionnaires, Interviews and Observations.
  • Validity and reliability of the detection process.
  • Examples of measurements in the motor-sport field.

B) Data analysis approaches

  • Elements of quantitative data analysis.
  • Elements of qualitative data analysis.
  • Examples of analysis in the motor-sport field.

The course in experimental pedagogy and new technologies is constructed in such a way as to favour the acquisition of theoretical, methodological and technical knowledge useful for the implementation of research paths with attention to the motor-sports field.

The course aims to present and analyse motor learning strategies and performance notation techniques, which are complemented by the potential of gesture and wearable technologies to obtain a data profile of an athlete and his behaviour on the field. Technical and motor parts will be studied in depth first, and then models and types of research will be presented in order to guide the student in the preparation of research and intervention plans in sports contexts.

A. Knowledge and understanding

To be able to identify the various forms of research, data collection and analysis tools/ To distinguish motor skills and abilities/ To define and outline basic motor skills/ To know the phases of motor learning/ To acquire the basic concepts of performance measurement and notation/ To know the techniques and models of sports performance notation/ To know the main gesture-based and wearable technologies in the sport-motor field.

B. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding

Choosing and constructing research tools for detection / Knowing how to recognize and choose an appropriate detection tool / Knowing how to use and adapt detection tools in the motor-sport field/ Knowing how to apply some techniques of performance notation / Distinguishing between cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains in the context of performance / Knowing how to classify types of wearable solutions in the motor-sport field / Knowing how to evaluate the appropriate application of gesture technologies in the motor-sport filed.

C. Autonomy of judgement

The student will be able to choose the most suitable research methods and tools in relation to the context and the objectives/ He/she will be able to reflect and select technological applications adapted to the specificity of the motor sport context and to the measurement of performance.

D. Communication skills

The student will be able to explain, also with the help of multimedia tools and sources, the main scientific and methodological issues concerning educational research and applications in the motor-sport field. At the end of the course, the student will have acquired a terminology of the educational research sector and a linguistic ability specific to the scientific motor domain and performance analysis.

E. Learning ability

The student will be able to independently explore the main scientific-methodological issues concerning educational research/ The student develops critical and evaluative skills with regard to the use of particular technologies and their use in the motor-sport context.

A. Use of film and cinema sources, knowledge of terminology used in the subject studied. The students acquire greater awareness of how the theme of motor sport has been at the centre of numerous film productions and develop the research and reading ability of key themes (e.g. motivation in sport, leadership, fair play etc.).

B. Professional approach to their work and possession of appropriate skills to devise arguments, support them and solve problems in the subject studied. The students develop the ability to design, collect data, analyse and present their own research in the motor-sport

C. Ability to collect and interpret data useful for making independent judgments

The students develop skills in the selection of data retrieval tools or the construction of specific tools as well as data analysis techniques.  The students develop techniques for the presentation of their thesis and reflection on cases and opportunities for the application of research techniques and innovative technological solutions in the motor-sport field.

D. Ability to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors

The students develop skills of collaborative participation in the construction of research products or documents through the use of social and participatory communication tools. The students develop skills in presenting ideas, problems and solutions and in documenting them for demonstration and argumentation.

E. Ability to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy

The students develop the ability to critically analyse and apply educational research strategies in the  motor-sport field, which can support them in the study and training pathway. Participation in in-depth individual and group activities allow the students to review the study time management and to carry out a collaborative construction of the products, favouring the development of autonomous study skills on one hand, and on the other hand benefiting from group work.

The study course is divided into:


  • N 25 recorded video lessons available on the platform.
  • 1 Synchronous general presentation meeting of the course.
  • 1 Synchronous meeting on the platform dedicated to the modules.
  • Podcasts of all the video lessons mentioned above.

The lecturer will organise further synchronous orientation meetings on the various modules and examples of the proposed e-activities. Wherever possible, students from previous years will be involved, who as peers will have the opportunity to present the e-activities on which they have excelled, and to facilitate new students in understanding certain key concepts starting from life and competitive contexts that they have in common that they can consider as an anchoring and motivation for learning.



  • 1 course orientation forum;
  • 6 thematic forums (1 forum per Learning Unit);
  • possibility to work individually but also in dyads or small groups.
  • 8 structured e-activities (individually, in pairs, in teams) with opportunities for simulation, field trials, creation of thematic posters (6 e-activities are compulsory).

The following teaching materials are provided: in-depth thematic studies, articles and slides by the lecturer, open access readings, online resources, filmography/reference bibliography, etc.

Module 1 – Motor learning and performance analysis


  • 13 video lessons.
  • Podcasts of all the above-mentioned video lessons.


  • 1 in-depth thematic forum on motor learning;
  • 1 in-depth thematic forum on performance analysis and notational systems;
  • 2 structured e-activities on motor skills and techniques for motor learning (one of the proposed e-activities is compulsory):
  • 2 structured e-activities on sports notation (one of the proposed e-activities is compulsory).


Module – 2 Gesture interfaces and wearable technologies

  • 13 video lessons.
  • Podcasts of all the above-mentioned video lessons.


  • N. 1 in-depth forum on gesture technologies
  • N. 1 in-depth forum on wearable technologies
  • N. 1 structured e-activity on the theme of the gesture game in sport (recognition and classification applied through the creation of a poster) compulsory
  • N. 1 structured e-activity on the theme of wearable technologies in sport (recognition and reflection applied to the creation of a poster)- compulsory

MODULE 3 – Educational research: types and tools


  • 15 video lessons.
  • Podcasts of all the above-mentioned video lessons.



  • 1 forum on educational research terms and research phases;
  • 1 thematic in-depth forum on data collection and analysis techniques;
  • 1 e-activity: structured in order to help the student to trace or hypothesise, starting from an experience provided by the lecturer or by testimonials, the types and phases of an educational research (compulsory);
  • 1 e-activity is based on the construction or application by the student of one or more data collection and analysis tools starting from a documentation or problematic context provided by the lecturer or expert testimonies (compulsory).


Teaching materials are provided for each module: in-depth thematic studies, lecturer’s articles, open access readings, web resources, reference bibliography, etc.

Reference books from which slides and video lessons are produced

With reference to Module 1

  • Nicoletti R., & Borghi A.M (2007). Il controllo Motorio, edizioni il Mulino (only chapters 2 and 5).
  • Hughes, M., Lipoma, M., & Sibilio, M. (2010). Performance analysis: elementi di base e aspetti applicativi in campo educativo e integrativo. Angeli.
    Part 1: The basics of performance analysis (chap. 2, 3, 6, 7, 11)
    Part 2: The educational dimensions of performance analysis (chap. 1 and 2)

Others will be recommended later.

With reference to Module2

  • Marasso, D. (2015). Exercising or gaming? Exergaming!!! Form@ re, 15(3), 159-169.
  • Faiella, F., & Mangione, G. R. (2012). E-learning: le pratiche consolidate ei nuovi scenari di ricerca. Pensa (chap. VII).
  • Mangione et al (2015) Educare seamlessly. Dalla visione integrata delle teorie alle esperienze della comunità pedagogica italiana. Giornale Italiano della Ricerca Educativa – Italian Journal of Educational Research year VIII | number 14 p. 35-48
  • Leone, F. (2018). L’utilizzo dei dispositivi wearables nello sport e nel fitness. Eracle. Journal of Sport and Social Sciences, 1(1), 5-12.

Others will be recommended later.

With reference to Module 3

  • Coggi, C., & Ricchiardi, P. (2005). Progettare la ricerca empirica in educazione (pp. 1-270). Rome: Carocci.

In order to respond flexibly to the specific needs of each student, the lecturer, on the recommendation of the tutor, reserves the right to recommend alternative or additional readings during the lessons and to students who ask for them.

In addition, for case-based understanding, the lecturer will take care to “host” during synchronous events or return via video recordings the experience of coaches and athletes.

Access to the final examination is subject to the completion of:

  • at least 2 e-tivities per Module 1 out of the 4 provided;
  • both e-tivities of Module 2:
  • both e-tivities of Module 3.

The absence of even one of the activities indicated as Compulsory will not allow access to the examination.

Below the student can have a look at the structure of the e-activities, which may be subject to minor variations in their formulation on the platform.

  • E-TIVITY 1 – Classification of skills to identify performance requirements

Reference module: Module 1

Description of the task and working methods: A classification scheme of skills is provided. The lecturer will indicate a format from which the student, also taking inspiration from documentary video material provided by the teacher, is asked to identify an activity not already present in the table that fits the corresponding classification of skills, giving reasons for the choice.

Technological solution adopted: Assignment mode with data collection using the data sheet provided.


  • E-TIVITY 2 – Analysis of film clips and reflection on imagery techniques

Reference module: Module 1

Description of the task and working methods: The participants are asked to watch some film clips in which the technique of imagery in the field of sport is presented and to start a reflection helped by this scene but also by other scenes from films that students are invited to retrieve and share.

Technological solution adopted: Assignment mode


  • E-TIVITY 3. Let’s take note of a team match!

Reference module: Module 2

Description of the task and working methods: The students are asked to take notes on a live team match or from a film source made available to the students following all the steps of a notational process, and based on the instructions and the prepared worksheet.

The aim is to develop the ability to use notation systems and to create one’s own systems.

Technological solution adopted: Assignment mode with data collection using the data sheet provided by the lecturer.


  • E-TIVITY 4 – Practice with a video analysis tool

Reference module: Module 1

Description of the task and working methods: The aim of the activity is to enable the student to get to know the broad outlines of technological solutions that are widely used today for performance analysis via video, such as the “Dartfish” software.

Technological solution adopted: Assignment mode with data collection using the format provided by the lecturer.


  • E-TIVITY 5 – Let’s make our own POSTER on EXERGAME!

Reference module: Module 2

Description of the task and working methods: The students, individually or in pairs, are asked to identify and classify the EXERGAMES available on the web and applicable to the sport-motor context. This survey should be presented in POSTER mode.

Technological solution adopted: Assignment mode with indications for POSTER.

  • E-TIVITY 6 – Creating a poster on wearable technologies

Reference module: Module 2

Description of the task and working methods: The students, individually or in pairs, are asked to carry out a survey and a reflection on the potential of the WEARABLE, browsing through those that are well described and available on the web and applicable to the sport-motor context. This recognition and reflection should be presented in POSTER mode.

Technological solution adopted: Assignment mode with indications for POSTER.


  • E-TIVITY 7 – Identifying elements of a research plan

Reference modules: Module 3

Description of the task and working methods: The students are asked individually or in groups to define the elements of an educational research (types, phases, tools…) applied or applicable in the motor-sport field, starting from a video documentation provided by the lecturer or from examples of existing research, or from “cases” told by coaches and athletes invited during the course.

Technological solution adopted: the students will be provided with a format from which to try to trace or define from the proposed sources the characteristics and phases of an educational research.


  • E-TIVITY 8 – Construction of a tool or application of a detection technique based on a case proposed by the lecturer

Reference module: Module 3

Description of the task and working methods: The participants are asked individually or in groups to construct or hypothesise the structure of a data collection tool or to apply a tool or technique starting from a problematic case proposed by the lecturer through documentary video sources or real testimonies.

Technological solution adopted: the students will be provided with the sources of the cases to start from and will be given indications regarding the specific activities (construction of a tool or application of an analysis technique) to be carried out alone or in groups.

The assessment of learning will take the form of an oral interview on the course contents. The grade is determined by the level of performance for each of the following dimensions of oral interview: mastery of contents, appropriateness of definitions and theoretical references, clarity of argument, command of specialist language. The quality and completeness of the activities indicated as compulsory will contribute to the final grade.